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Male | Exalted | English, Jewish |
Element | Big, great | Korean |
Occupation | Grain mill worker | English |
◖BIRTH NAME◗ Aaron Dae Miller. ◖NICKNAME◗ He goes mainly by Aaron, though most of his colleagues refer to him as simply Miller, otherwise agent Miller if out and about on the job. ◖ALIAS◗ None he would like to be called at this moment. ◖BIRTH DATE◗ 27th August 1985. ◖AGE◗ 32 years old. ◖OCCUPATION◗ FBI agent. ◖RESIDENCE◗ A nice, though small flat in Washington D.C. He's looking for something bigger. ◖ALIGNMENT◗ The FBI, the United States of America. ◖BIRTHPLACE◗ Washington D.C., he never really moved. ◖NATIONALITY◗ Korean American. |
◖RACE◗ Human. ◖ABILITIES◗ No supernatural ones, plenty of natural though. ◖HEIGHT◗ 1,88. ◖BODY TYPE◗ Tall and lean, though defined, somewhat muscular, and athletically built underneath the suit. ◖EYES◗ Dark brown. ◖HAIR◗ A very dark brown colour that normally looks almost black. ◖COMPLEXION◗ Slightly tanned. ◖TATTOOS◗ None, but he's always been considering getting some. ◖SCARS◗ He has quite a lot of minor scars here and there, both from training and the field, but he does have some more severe as well; a gunshot wound in the shoulder, a knife wound on his outer right thigh as well as a long gash across the left part of his chest. |
◖HANDEDNESS◗ Right-handed. ◖ZODIAC SIGN◗ Virgo. ◖SEXUALITY◗ Bisexual. ◖RELATIONSHIP STATUS◗ Single, but he's trying hard to get things going as he would love to start a family despite his job, he just hasn't succeeded in that yet. ◖LIKES◗ Animals, especially dogs, cleanliness and order, to relax on the weekends, to be outside, books, food in general, though he rarely has the time to cook, physical training, his work, leadership on the job and on missions - and he never gets tired of catching bad guys. ◖DISLIKES◗ To have to ask others for help, being looked down upon, made to look foolish by others, any kind of bad guys, criminals, and cheats, rude people, especially if it's colleagues, mess, disorder. ◖FACECLAIM◗ Daniel Henney. |
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THE AGENT Life is about searching, but will serving something bigger make it better? ___________________________________________ Aaron Dae Miller was born in Washington D.C. to Henry and Nari, who already had the older son, Adam. The father, Henry, was still in the navy and seldomly home, but that wasn't an issue for Nari, as she had always known this would happen before they married. Despite being a third generation immigrant, Nari tried to maintain her Korean culture and heritage that her grandparents and parents had taught her, but at the same time uniting it with the American, which had become an equally big part of her life - especially because of Henry. Because of this, Aaron grew up in a mixed home, a mixture of Korean and American with a strong connection to both nations. To him it has never been a problem to mix cultures together, even if he sees it every day; but since he grew up with this resistance every day, it doesn't bother him any more since he simply knows whom not to hang around with after work. Aaron had a quiet growing up otherwise. The first many years, it was just him, Adam, and their mother, but when their father was finally home it was simply amazing. In the end, he also got his younger sister, one for him to take care of just like Adam had had to take care of him. Even though he was only 6 years old at the time, he had a great sense of responsibility towards the new little sister, Hana, especially when he became to realise around this time how much his father was actually gone. It was a mixture of the absence of his father and the look on his mother's face, who did everything by herself, so when Adam told him, again and again, how important it was for him to help out, it really stuck. Of course, there were problems - some times he didn't want to help, he especially bickered with Adam when they didn't agree on things, but it always seemed to fix itself somehow. The problems intensified, though, when he started school - 5 years older, Adam had started way before him, which then didn't change much, but when Aaron started school, he became more defiant. There wasn't the same freedom he was used to and it could be felt. How obedient he had been, he was now more rebellious and challenging, especially towards Adam. Even though he had been his hero for so long, he was now simply the annoying, correcting big brother who always wanted to tell him to do his homework, clean his room, and play with Hana, when he just wanted to go back to the time where he just had to play; like most children feel when they experience school for the first time. Aaron got himself together, though, the older he got and the more he really understood what it meant to have responsibilities. After a few years, his father returned as well and retired after many years faithful duty, which also really opened his eyes to serving your country. For a long time, he wanted to be a soldier, but that changed when he really understood what that actually meant - and the thought of leaving his mother or future wife, like his father did, made him change his mind. He began working harder to make his parents proud and made sure that he could get a good education. It was around this time when he figured out that he wanted to be an FBI agent. Now, with both his mother and father at home, he didn't have to do as much, but he still wanted to help, especially when Hana reached her more rebellious age. In general, he really got himself together during his teenage years, but where Adam went for the books to become a doctor, Aaron went more towards the physical training, since he had to be prepared for the day he would have to pass the admission test to Quantico. After Adam started medical school, Aaron started on law to be accepted into the FBI after gaining his degree. It was not really what he wanted the most - he just wanted to start head on, but this just had to be finished. College was awesome, but not something he longs for. He got accepted on a scholarship for football, so he had been able to train throughout college next to his studies, which just had to be passed. As soon as he finished, he had to move on. Just like many others, he applied as fast as he could and luckily got accepted into the academy at the age of 23; the youngest you can be to be accepted. Since then, he passed with flying colours and has since then been working for the bureau. He has worked his way up and now works with cyber crimes, even having people below him, even though he hasn't even been 10 years in the bureau. He's mostly well-liked and has a good relationship with most, even though he has a tendency to disappear into the job instead of taking part of parties, events, and such after work. Aaron is a very hardworking man, but often disappears into his work because of this. It's probably also the reason that he has reaches the age of 32 and is still very single - besides his dog, Cooper. Cooper originally belonged to his old partner, Carter, who was a former soldier and later part of the bureau, but he unfortunately passed away; something he very rarely wants to open up about. Because of this, he doesn't like to have close partners, since he doesn't have the surplus energy to go through anything like that again. It's much better that he's the boss or ranked under somebody else, but otherwise just working alone, even though he knows that having a partner or a team can be rather effective. If the assignment demands it, he accepts it of course, but now that he's not doing the most dangerous assignments, everything's fine as it is. After Carter's death, he actually had some leave, but it didn't last long - he couldn't stay away from work, but even though he says that he's been through it enough times, he hasn't. Instead, he buries himself with more work, socialises less and less, and stays within his small, secure bubble. He still has a close relationship with his family, though; he lives in the same city as his parents and he tries to maintain his relationship with his siblings too as well as possible. It means a lot to him, even if he rarely shares that with others. |
○ H A R D W O R K I N G
adj. | hard·work·ing Constantly, regularly, or habitually engaged in earnest and energetic work. Aaron had to work quite a lot to get to this point, but as soon as he found himself, it was like nothing could stop him. If he wants something, he works his way towards it. He puts his work ahead of himself, it's simply what he enjoys the most. He likes to stay busy, always doing something, if not work, then something will benefit him at his work in the end. |
○ S T E A D F A S T
adj. | stead·fast Firm in belief, determination, or adherence. Aaron has always been loyal to those closest to him and very firm in his opinion about life and others in general. If he has made up his mind, he will most likely go in that direction, even to the point where he might be wrong, but he's not very good at giving up on his beliefs either. When they've set, they will most likely stay until he has been completely disproven. He can keep calm and cool, always secure within himself and his opinions - a definite plus in his line of work. |
○ T R U S T W O R T H Y
adj. | trust·wor·thy Worthy of confidence, dependable. You can always trust Aaron - when you've earned his trust, you can be sure he will go anywhere just for you. He never does anything half-way, always finishes what he starts, and he is always there to help those closest to him. His family and friends mean the world to him, and he's ready to sacrifice others for the sake of himself if the situation demands it. He might have to evaluate the situation first - he rarely jumps into anything without thinking it through - but if you're close enough, he might just let go of his own principals for you. |
○ C H A R M I N G
adj. | charm·ing Extremely pleasing or delightful Though he might not admit it himself, Aaron is a rather charming man, a true gentleman really. He just has this way of acting that seems to enthral people, even if he's never really aware of the fact. It's just how he is, instantly likeable, which definitely helps his job, but since he's somewhat oblivious to this, he personally finds that he's not the best at socialising. That might simply have something to do with the fact that he's married to his job. |